What do you wear with a crocheted beledi dress?

That's a good question, and there have been many excellent suggestions lately on the MED-dance list. With permission from the posters, I'd eventually like to get their permission to put some of those replies here. In the meantime, here's what works for me:

In these pix, I'm wearing a silky black half-circle skirt, a black Sugar Petals body stocking, and a silky black leisure bra (over my regular one) with sleeves attached at the shoulders.

The half-circle skirt flares out nicely when I spin, and doesn't add bulk. Even though my torso is covered, my abdominal work is still visible. The added sleeves have given people the illusion that I'm wearing a vest or choli, and illusion works fine for me! Other people have gone away with the impression that it was a complete dress underneath the beaded one, and that's fine, too.

The point is that no matter what people recall about it, it apparently looked fine and looked appropriate! ;-)
crochet dress 1crochet dress 2crochet dress 3

One poster was kind enough to suggest that I might look acceptable even in rags. (thanks, you made my day!) Click here to see what I look like in rags, haha.

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